Thursday, February 21, 2013

Engagement Gift- Family Recipe Album

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I love my family.
And recently, one of my favorite people in the world,
who also happens to be my cuz,
said yes to a young man who asked for her hand.
After admiring the scrapbook/album/family recipe book that my mom made for me before my wedding
(I'll have to share that one later... literally 3 HUGE volumes and crazy detail),
I decided to get her started on some family recipe pages of her own.

Mine are much shorter
and MUCH less detailed than my mom's,
but I like the way they turned out nonetheless.

Each page has one of our favorite family recipes,
a family picture
 some old, some newer,
and I tried to include a tidbit about the recipe or the family with each page.

Congratulations, Amy!
And Erik, if you ever read this, you should know that I've begun to pray for you through the intercession of Saint Bartholomew, the patron saint of cheese(makers).


  1. i love the creativity and love in these! what an awesome gift!!

  2. tearing up. this is a beautiful and thoughtful gift. i know it will be cherished.

  3. Thank you! As (aspiring) master chefs we can't wait to try these recipes out, and getting to know Amy's family better through the stories and pictures was a ton of fun.

    Also, update on your prayers: I tried some queso at a Mexican restaurant the other night to see if St. Bartholomew had interceded yet.. unfortunately he has not. I guess as long as I'm healed by October 26th it'll be OK.


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