
Monday, July 2, 2012

These Are a Few of my Favorite Things

Sound the trumpets!
I've made something that I'm actually keeping for myself!

So I picked up my second batch of pottery from the ceramics studio
(awhile ago, mind you, but I'm just now getting around to writing something)

Among the loot:

my first set of mugs
which were also my first pieces with handles.
I'm so happy with them.

They are not perfect,
but for once in my life, perfection was not the goal,
and I'll happily take these as a great starting point.

But my very very very favorite thing that I've made so far?
My new...
Isn't it cute?
I punched some holes in it so air can circulate.

And I am totally in love with this glaze.

 If you're in the Pittsburgh area
and you interested in checking out the ceramics studio,

It's a great creative space,
it's affordable,
and the people there are great at sharing their wealth of knowledge


  1. Note to self: make Meg my very Best Friend Ever, so I can get a garlic keeper for Christmas. :P

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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