
Monday, July 16, 2012

Stocking up on Stock

Every couple of months or so
(more in the fall and less in the spring),
I devote a day to replenishing my supply of homemade chicken stock.

Because I cook mostly everyday,
we go through a lot of stock.
Let me mention also, that storebought stock really does pale in comparison to homemade.
I'm really not a homemade snob.
I swear.
I've been known to use some storebought items in lieu of homemade on many occasions.
And I do use storebought stock when I'm really in a pinch,
but I'm telling you:
make the exact same recipe with homemade stock vs. storebought
and people will be asking you what you put in it
because it has so much more flavor.
Last week I made a huge batch and froze it in portions.
It was really nice to be able to use all ingredients that either came from my garden or the farmers market.

I use two hens
a few carrots cut up,
an onion cut in half,
a head of garlic cut in half,
a couple ribs of celery cut up,
a generous handful of parsley,
some dill,
lots of thyme,
a palm full of whole peppercorns,
some salt.
Cover with water and simmer for 4 hours.

The smell is so nice.
Once it's done, I strain all the bits out of it
(that's why I don't bother with peeling or whathaveyou)
Then I let it sit overnight,
then skim off the fat.

Portion and freeze.

I really think this stock has about 100x the flavor of the canned variety.
Not to mention, you know from where all of your ingredients come.


  1. I need to try this! Do you just use a big stockpot?

    1. I use the biggest stock pot I have (it's also what I use for canning usually) I think it's a 20 qt?

  2. I am a total cheap out when I make chicken stock. I save odds and ends of veggies in a gallon ziplock in the freezer - carrot ends, brocolli stems, the tops of celery, etc. The night after I roast a chicken, I put all the bones in a crock pot and toss in the bag of veggies, and add onion, garlic, and any herbs I have handy. The next day, I strain cool, and store it.

    It isn't as pretty a process as your stock, but I like that it is practically free, takes about 5 minutes, and doesn't require any extra shopping on my part. That fits my life well, as I dislike both shopping and cooking. :P

    I like that you add a whole head of garlic and the peppercorns. I'll have to try that next time.

    1. I hear ya! My odds and ends are never wasted either. Most of them end up in the compost to have a second life in the garden.
      I keep the meat from my chickens after the stock is done. I take it all off of the bone and freeze it. It's way too over done to be reused for us, but it's great for dog treats.


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