
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sewing on the Go

We've been traveling a lot lately.
After all, it is summertime.

Between family vacations and weddings and such,
it's been difficult to start and finish a sewing project on the sewing machine in one sitting, or even two or three if I'm being honest.

So I've been spending more time doing projects that I can take with me.

And here is the one I've been working on lately.
A simple, beautiful, classy sampler.

Yes, I know.
Cross stitch is for old people.
And samplers are for older people.
But whatever.
I love it.

It's been a great project for car rides and rainy days,
and while I'm not usually a fan of super long term projects,
this one is coming along nicely.

The great thing about samplers is that there is a lot of negative space,
and if you get bored with one motif, you can just move on the next one and come back to it.
It's a really easy project to start and stop and start and stop
which, obviously, lends itself really well to life with a toddler.

I'll keep you all updated on the progress and hopefully, eventually the finished product. :)


  1. LOVE those colors! Did you choose them or where they part of the pattern?

    1. I know! They were the colors that were called for in the pattern. I did make a change with the pattern where it called for these weird bead things (just switched those for some good ole french knots and I like it MUCH better).

  2. For old people? Haven't you seen the fall 2012 forecasts? Lookie here:

    1. Ahh! Thank you! That is too awesome. I'm so affirmed in my youth now. haha. :)

  3. I love cross stitching, it is very relaxing.

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