
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Another Pallet Project

Another simple raised garden idea. 
I had some pallets left over from my bookshelf project.
The workers just kept bringing them, bless their  nicotine-saturated souls,
but most were not bookshelf-worthy.
They had too many broken or missing panels
or they were just straight up nasty.

So I turned one into a little raised bed for my pickling cucumbers.
I had just a little patch of sun left in the yard to grow some more veg,
 so I just screwed in some scrap pieces of 2x4's on the sides to keep the soil from leaking out.

I put some gravel down underneath to help with some drainage,

and then added a couple bags of organic gardening soil and compost.

Cooper was very curious about the whole thing.
Then, I planted.
My cucumbers are now happy little clams,
and they have their very own spot in the yard which is great because they can start to take over the garden otherwise.
They've grown a ton since these pictures were taken.
And I'll have an overall garden update coming up soon.

I'm looking forward to having more pickles this year.
I have a couple different variations on cucumber pickles that I'm sure I'll share when the time comes.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your tips, I am going to try it this growing season. I thought it would be easier for my old bones. So looking forward to seeing green things growing. lol


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