
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Advent Calendar- Part Two

As promised...
here are the ornaments for days 13-24 of my
Jesse Tree Advent Calendar.

If you missed days 1-12,

Day 13: Solomon
1 Kings 3:5-14, 16-28

Day 14: Joseph
Matthew 1:18-25

Day 15: Mary
Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38

Day 16: John the Baptist
Mark 1:1-8

On December 17th, the Church begins the "O" Antiphons. The following ornaments are based off of these antiphons from the Liturgy of the Hours.

Day 17: Jesus is Wisdom
Sirach 24:2; Wisdom 8:1

Day 18: Jesus is Lord
Exodus 3:2; 20:1

Day 19: Jesus is Flower of Jesse
Isaiah 11:1-3

Day 20: Jesus is Key of David
Isaiah 22:22

Day 21: Jesus is Radiant Dawn
Psalm 19:6-7

Day 22: Jesus is King of the Gentiles
Psalm 2:7-8; Ephesians 2:14-20

Day 23: Jesus is Emmanuel
Isaiah 7:14; 33:22

Day 24: Jesus is Light of the World
John 1:1-14

So it's crunch time! I'm getting the pockets embroidered right now for the ornaments to live in before their time comes... phew. slowly but surely...

14.5 down, 9.5 to go!

Tune in next week for a post on the whole shebang.
I'm pretty excited about getting the calendar portion together.
Let's just hope it's finished by December 1st!


  1. Meg, these are so great! I am beginning our own Jesse Tree ornaments this week. I know I'm behind with my timing, but I still have to decide whether we're going to do them with Advent or just start with December 1st and do the O Antiphons like you are doing. Great work!

  2. Thanks, Amanda! I chose to begin on December 1st for two reasons. One, it meant I could use the same ornaments in the same order, on the same days each year. Two (and I'm not going to pretend less important), it gave me more time to complete the project this year! Still have to get the whole thing together... hoping, of course, to have it finished by the 1st. :)


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